Subjects, Cases, Processes, all new words with our updated system. But what do they mean?
Customer: An organisation who has a live service agreement with Personnel Checks
Subject: People, e.g. Applicants/Employees, that you’ll run DBS & Other activities on.
User: An individual with a login to the system
Role: A set of permissions attached to a user, for example:
- Agent - somebody responsible for day-to-day compliance processes
- Admin - somebody responsible for administering the users in their customer account
- DBS-verifier - an Agent/Admin with the extra permission to verify Cases
- Payment Manager - Someone who can authorise payments
A User can have multiple Roles, and we recommend that all Users have "Agent" as a minimum, then add other roles from there.
Case: A working file that holds the Case Activities for Subject. A Case is started on a Process for a Subject.
Case Activity: Individual activities in a Case task such as a DBS Application
Outstanding Activities Case Activities that require action from yourselves (e.g. ID Verification)
Decision: The recorded judgement of a Case or Case Activity after data has been obtained
Process: Commonly named by Job Title, a collection of relevant compliance requirements.
Cycle: Attached to a Process, A cycle determines the interval at which subscriptions will create new cases
Subscription: The relationship between a Subject and a Cycle, has dates for first/last ran etc
Key Result: The salient points from a case activity, e.g. for a DBS check was it clear, and what is the certificate number
DBS-US: The DBS Update Service
Flag: A request for human attention on an another object in the system, e.g. Non-Clear DBS, can be cleared & re-activated.